31 July 2011

Blogging My Heart Out of My Sleeve

From now on, my simple goal for blogging will be as simple as: TO BLOG FROM THE HEART.

I learned from my D-group (bible study group) to just simply share from the heart. Most of the time, when sharing in a group, we have the tendency to filter what's inside our hearts, mainly because we are afraid of what others might think of us, or we are trying to build up what we want others to think of us. At least, that's the way for me.  But the point is, it's only when you really dig into your heart as if you are trying to get some water from a deep well, that you would really see the condition of your heart.

Our hearts are deceitful, says Jeremiah and I agree. The heart has this amazing capacity to be happy and to be lonely all at the same time. It really is crazy. That's why I want to write more as a practice for my ever confused heart. It has always been my prayer that God will expose my heart and clean it and thereafter, grant me a right heart... free from all the bondages of lies, selfishness and insecurities. So are you ready to see through my heart? :)

Blogging my heart out of my sleeve,

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