In dire need to pour out thoughts which my heart cannot contain anymore. This is how I cope up with life. Now the bullets:
- I hate Mondays, this Monday in particular. Been working for 8 consecutive days. :(
- I really don't mind being thrown somewhere in the country once a month, it's just that lately...
- I’m having a hard time finding JOY at work... and
- I’m PMS-ing.
- Fatal combination.
- Bf is coping up really well with my mood swings.
- Amazes me big time! (*_*)
- 6,000 miles, 8-hour difference require an awful LOT of work.
- The love risk albeit miscalculated has been worth it so far.
- Of late, I've been asking God for directions in my career.
- Is it time to take a plunge somewhere else?
- Honestly, I DON'T KNOW.
- I'm still nursing a scarred heart from a broken dream.
- Too afraid to leave my Comfort Zone now.
- Clock in and out of familiar four corners.
- Get harassed by deadlines. Meet them.
- And then start all over again.
- Safe zone.
- But there’s this aching part in my heart for the unknown.
- I know I was born for a purpose. I am special. I am unique.
- There are things in this world that only I can do, yields that only I can deliver, fruits that only I can bear.
- Can’t be paralyzed by my mistakes (of which I have a lot).
- And I can’t rest on my successes (of which I have a few).
- For I have a race to run for my Creator.
- I believe there’s no such thing as accident in a Christian life.
- Wherever I am right now is part of His grand plan.
- He just can’t reveal this plan to me yet because I can only take so much.
- In times that I falter and lose hope, I take Jeremiah 29:11 capsule.
- As with life in general...
- I know I have this tendency to dwell on things I don’t have, dreams I haven’t achieved, savings I haven’t earned, places I haven’t gone to.
- I can be a worry freak.
- But God never fails to remind me that He cares more for me than the flowers and the birds.
- I just really need to saturate myself with His amazing grace day by day, minute by minute.
- So that before a difficult day such as this ends...
- I’ll have perfect peace in my heart and an unfeigned smile on my face. :)
"I don't know what the future holds... but I know Who holds my future." (*_*) |