It was 2014 when I started collecting the indoor plants more popularly known as succulents. It wasn't an intention to collect back then; it was just merely to add greens in our apartment to evoke a feel of nature. I originally bought two and each payday since then, I added one or two. Two years later, the collection grew into 18-piece.
As in everything to thrive, a re-planting is necessary. As you can see, some of the succulents have outgrown their original pots. Some have parts that have decayed over the years, which means they needed to be cut off or else, they will affect the other healthier part of the plants.
Over the weekend, R and I decided to re-plant these succulents to give them a new life. Spring is just around the corner and a warmer weather will be good to these plants who are actually made for the desert.
From the outside, you won't see anything wrong. But if you look closer, you'll realise, most of these do not fit anymore. Some have sprouted at the sides but clearly, they'd have no more room to grow.
R in action.
The re-planted succulents: