Year 2011 is definitely a year of so many answered prayers! I wouldn't be able to count the moments and the days this year when God provided for every needs and desire.
31 December 2011
My 2011 :)
The clock is ticking closer and closer to 2012. As in two previous years, I want to take some time to write a traditional year end post. I started this two years ago (2009 and 2010) and it seemed only appropriate to do this again. After all, God has showered me with so many unexpected and undeserved blessings that the least way I can do is to write about them with a hope that someone out there will be encouraged. :)
Year 2011 is definitely a year of so many answered prayers! I wouldn't be able to count the moments and the days this year when God provided for every needs and desire.
Year 2011 is definitely a year of so many answered prayers! I wouldn't be able to count the moments and the days this year when God provided for every needs and desire.
30 December 2011
1 Year Anniversary ♥ - Part 2
ONE YEAR! Wow!!! I just have to write that in all caps. Time flies so fast these days! I'm thankful Lando and I survived a year of an LDR (Long Distance Relationship).
1 Year Anniversary ♥ - Part 1
Today is the day! We've been really busy since the day Lando arrived but today, at last we finally checked one major to do list: Pamamanhikan! :)
Truth was, we were both clueless as to what to do and what to say in Pamamanhikan. Kain ba muna or usap, stuff like that. We simply relied on where our parents directed the whole thing. In the end, we just let the oldies do the talking and us the eating. One good thing is that Lando's folks are pure Ilocanos and my Mama is Ilocana, so they had a lot of things in common. Kinda had awkward moments since it's the first time our parents met each other but all is well that ends well.
Thank You God for our parents' blessings and for allowing this day to happen. Your awesome grace was evident in all the events leading to this. Thank You.
Us with our Parents (Me on the groom's side; Lando on my parents' side):
Simple salu-salo and our dear folks doing the cheers!
Thank You God for our parents' blessings and for allowing this day to happen. Your awesome grace was evident in all the events leading to this. Thank You.
Us with our Parents (Me on the groom's side; Lando on my parents' side):
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27 December 2011
Purple, Pink and Pastel
I'm really dreaming of a purple, pink and pastel wedding details! They're just so awesome and so chic and so picture perfect. Look what I found in the internet while I was wedding-site hopping. It has been my past time lately! :)
All photos were taken from My Wedding Website. This site is simply awesome. It features a whole bucket of wedding ideas; overwhelms me sometimes! Hahaha! I have a passion for details and I'm putting it to good use on my own wedding! My brother says "Lai, you're obssessed!" everytime he sees me browsing wedding sites for which I simply reply, "I will only do this once you know!"
Yes, I'll only get to be a bride once! And purple, pink and pastel should be there with me when I say "I do." :)
All photos were taken from My Wedding Website. This site is simply awesome. It features a whole bucket of wedding ideas; overwhelms me sometimes! Hahaha! I have a passion for details and I'm putting it to good use on my own wedding! My brother says "Lai, you're obssessed!" everytime he sees me browsing wedding sites for which I simply reply, "I will only do this once you know!"
Yes, I'll only get to be a bride once! And purple, pink and pastel should be there with me when I say "I do." :)
24 December 2011
Windmills and Chills
I'm here in Ilocos Norte to spend Christmas with my future in laws. :) Last time I was here was 1997 with my cousins. Almost 14 years after, here I am, with fiance in tow, hoping to win the hearts and the approval of his folks. :) I met them a year ago when Lando was still courting me and they were really nice, kind and humble. I'm thankful to be part of their family. They are simple people with simple wants. I'm so blessed to be marrying their son. :)
I have yet to see the sun though, it's been raining here the whole day. It's awesome just sleeping and eating all day long. We managed to visit Patapat Bridge and the nearby falls but the wind was just too strong and the rain too crazy for sight seeing. Finally got to see the Windmills of Bangui, Ilocos Norte! But my oh my, it was raining like there was a storm but there was none! Just dumping some photos and off I go! :)
20 December 2011
Our Biggest Commitment
Today we made the biggest commitment of our lives. We were baptized to Christianity! Individually, we have met Christ at different seasons in our lives. Who would have thought that we will be making this commitment together as a couple? Only a wonderful and amazing God can author a day and an event like this, only He can.
19 December 2011
Someone gifted me an original Lightroom 3, bought and sealed with all the love in the world! :) Of course this gift is gazillion dozen of awesomeness! He must have known how devastated I was when my lightroom trial expired! So off he went shedding hard-earned euros for my photography blues. :)
I just love how he supports me and my hobby, love how he reminds me to keep doing what I love doing. This man also fell in love with photography just as I did. He is my biggest fan, my cheerer, my supporter. I was jumping for joy and hugging him and thanking him for this wonderful gift, most of all for the love that goes with it. Did I tell you that I'm going to marry this man? :)
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Lightroom is Love. No less. :) |
17 December 2011
Engagement / Prenup Session with CM
Awesome experience!
Roces initiated the overnight stay in Mariott Hotel so she could gather all of us and take photos of me and Lando for our Pre-nup Session with the CM peeps! :) Awesome right? Nine of us got to stay in Mariott, had free dinner and had a fun photo session for two days! :)
Lately, it's all about seeing old faces. My biggest group of friends back in my PwC days circa 2004 to 2009 is no less than the CMG a.k.a. Chikkaminute Group! The group started as lunch buddies and later on became chikka buddies. Members of the group were the go-to persons whenever one was in need of a meal buddy, or overtime buddy, or just plain chikka buddy, hingaan ng sama ng loob, pag minsan utangan. :)
Roces initiated the overnight stay in Mariott Hotel so she could gather all of us and take photos of me and Lando for our Pre-nup Session with the CM peeps! :) Awesome right? Nine of us got to stay in Mariott, had free dinner and had a fun photo session for two days! :)
12 December 2011
Traces of Faith
Tonight reminds of some traces of Christianity I captured in Dublin, Ireland.
Someday, God willing, fiance and I will settle in Ireland. We hope we can find accountability group and a church community where we can grow more in Him, where we can pat a shoulder and give encouragement to other toddler Christians like us. I believe God is already preparing and moving for this desire of our hearts. Wherever He leads us, be it in Ireland or elsewhere (wag naman sa Timbuktu Lord! hehe), I know it will all work out for our good. :)
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Destiny Christian Church It's a relatively small church but with a great Pastor :) |
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The green poster made me smile. ;) |
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Yes He does! |
11 December 2011
Perfect Sunday
Sundays are awesome when spent with Him and him. :) We waited so long for this day. Often, in our countless Skype dates, we would always dream about a Sunday where we would go to church together, eat in a fancy or not-so-fancy restaurant depending on our mood, watch a movie and watch the sun bid goodbye in the horizon. I guess, that's our definition of a perfect Sunday. Us and church time.
Today is an answered prayer. We went to church. We held hands and sang our hearts out to God. Fiance missed worship at CCF and we were just thrilled to hear what the Lord wanted to say to us through the Sunday service. After the service, we ate in Mcdo (not so fancy for his first lunch in PH) because we ran out of cash and we were just hungry we couldn't care less. :)
Then we headed off to my office in Makati to fetch some things. We walked to Greenbelt and Glorietta. While walking, I was just thanking God because finally, I have him here beside me, holding my hands and throwing me glances that speak of how much he loves me. :) Hahaha! Lovesick noh? Can't blame us, we don't have the luxury to see each other everyday like this. Then we finish the day with New Year's Eve movie! (our first movie in PH)
It's a very light movie, a feel-good but with a kick. Personally, the movie tells me to move ahead in 2012 with a grateful heart, to take second chances, to do something about the dreams written in the depths of my heart, and most importantly, to be a more loving person. I'll leave you with these quotable quote, the one that Hillary Swank said when the ball got stuck:
"It's suspended there to remind us before we pop the champagne and celebrate the new year, to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by. To remember both our triumphs and our missteps, our promises made and broken. The times we opened ourselves up to great adventures or closed ourselves down for fear of getting hurt coz that is what new years is all about- getting another chance. A chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more.
10 December 2011
Reunited after exactly 76 days apart is just awesome! Fiance is home for the holidays and wedding preps. I'm happy. Simply happy. :)
Us, reunited again after being separated for 76 days @SM North EDSA
On another note (OAN), our Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) needs major major overhaul! The airport sucks big time! I'm not saying it's the worst, all I'm saying is that it needs major renovation. It has become so small for the number of Filipinos flying everywhere. It's Christmas season and obviously a lot of people flock the airport at this time of year to have a peek of their OFW family, relative, friend or sweetheart. The waiting area is just too small, too hot, too dirty, too crowded. The whole structure itself has become so obsolete. If not for the desire to see my dear loved one, I wouldn't be there. No one would. I hope, I truly hope it will get the much needed attention after being listed as the worst. Hello dear President, time to fix the NAIA! Hardworking Filipinos need it... and deserve it. ;)
08 December 2011
Sunsets in Ireland
Sunset is actually one of my fave photography subjects. See my 2011 Sunsets in FB. I still haven't found the time to update the album though but that doesn't mean I stopped capturing. :) I just love capturing sunsets wherever I find them! Remember the one I captured while riding the MRT? Remember the one I captured in HK while dealing with a broken dream? Remember the one I captured at a mountain in Zamboanga? I could go on and on...
Then I managed to capture some in Ireland! :) It was more than just a dream coming true, photography wise. Sunsets in Ireland will always remind me that God has taken me to a place I never thought I'd ever go to, that there's a reward in waiting patiently, and most of all, that He is a God of Awesome Surprises, that He gives you something (or someone) at the time when you are just ready to notice it and be grateful for it. :)
Sunset in Dublin City (16 Sep 2011)
Sunset in Dublin City (19 Sep 2011)
Captured on top of Iveagh Court (19 Sep 2011)
Sunset in Howth (3 Sep 2011)
One of my fave Howth Sunset shots (3 Sep 2011)
Dublin City (*_*) 7 Sep 2011
The next photos were taken by fiance in Ireland in April 2011 to help me out in my 2011 Sunsets because I was already losing the energy then. Somehow, these photos remained un-posted, thus let me give them justice by posting them in my blog. Credits of course to RCE. ♥ :)
20 April 2011
20 April 2011
20 April 2011
23 April 2011
23 April 2011
23 April 2011
23 April 2011
23 April 2011
07 December 2011
A Tagaytay Wedding
So what's the awesome thing I found today? This video, definitely. Love is in the air people, inhale it! *Sniff*Sniff* :) I'm not a big fan of Jolina and Mark, but they do have a beautiful love story. And that beautiful love story was told in their lovely wedding in Tagaytay! Now I want a Tagaytay wedding all the more! Hahaha!
I narrated in this post that fiance and I want a garden wedding somewhere in Tagaytay. I also mentioned that Splendido, where this wedding was held, is one of our choices. So when I stumbled upon this video tonight, it makes me want to forgo all budget considerations and sign up a contract with Splendido ASAP! You will say, "Dream on Lai!" Hahaha! Yes, I will dream on! Kukulitin ko talaga si God for this! But of course, I'll be thankful for His answer, be it a Yes or No. :)
*Sigh. A Tagaytay wedding (though logistically challenging) will be awesome, right? :) Goodnight!
05 December 2011
Rainbows and Tiny Hopes
I was finding it hard to think of one awesome thing to blog about today because of so many storms and big waves rocking my lifeboat. *Sigh. Then I remember this post that's been sitting in my draft. Also this afternoon, I was talking to an old Canadian lady and told her that I'm engaged, I'll be marrying in June and that hopefully it won't rain that day. She cheerfully narrated her son's wedding in Canada when the weather turned mad. But the family decided to hold the wedding outside anyhow, despite the damp skies and cold breeze. Suddenly during the ceremony, a beautiful rainbow popped in the horizon and everyone was just happy! It was a beautiful beautiful rainbow, she said. And she told me not to worry and that what mattered was the marriage, the bride and and the groom. I smiled and thanked her for sharing the story.
Because that's what exactly what I needed today, a rainbow, a silver lining, a tiny hope. Even a story of it appearing somewhere or photos three months ago will do to cheer me up. Please God, any small thing that will foster hope in my heart will do. Then I also remember: I have always wanted to capture a rainbow. It's been written on my photography wishlist since I became an enthusiast in 2009. How God grants the smallest desires of our hearts, in ways and places we never expected, is something about God that makes Him all the more endearing.
After two years, I finally captured not just one rainbow, but three rainbows, not just in one place, but in three different places, all in one day (September 17, 2011)!
First rainbow: taken inside the train to Kerry
Third Rainbow: At Sneem River, County Kerry!
What happened today reminds me that days like this will happen, days when the waves seem to be too high and destructive for my own good, days when I ask God why. But God answers our prayers and whispers to us in subtle ways. Only when we really take time to lay down before him our concerns for the day will we be reminded that his grace is evident everywhere, through that rainbow story, through some old photos and memories, through some answered prayers in the past, no matter how big or small, through some hugs from family, through a phone call from the one who loves me most on earth.
Fiance just kept encouraging me tonight telling me that He overcome everything for my sake and to cling on to Him more, continue to give my best, and that he'll stand by me no matter what. That, together will all the tiny evidences of rainbows today, especially the hug I got from Mama, are enough to install some tiny hope in my heart.
Rainbows always happen after the rain, right? I'll just take time in my journey, one by one following His steps, no matter how much rain I have to endure. Because He has already shown me that He draws rainbows in the sky, He answers prayers, He is faithful, He makes all things possible, in His own time, not mine. Because at the end of it all, I will not have just a pot of gold. I'll have more. :)
Note: will do grammar check tomorrow. i better sleep now.
04 December 2011
On Weddings
I dedicate this post to my high school friends Nel and Ann, who finally sealed their 10-year love story with marriage vows this 4th of December. I know they've gone through all sorts of highs and lows, but they've managed to stay together. Just how awesome is that? :) Love really endures, yes? I truly wish them well and may their marriage last a lifetime. Godbless Nel and Anne. :)
Don't you just love weddings? I do. I love any kind, the grand ones, the simple ones, even ones on rainy days such as this. Why? Because every weddings tells of a story that makes me smile and sigh at the same time, it even makes me cry sometimes. Because it makes me believe more and more that LOVE does happen and God is at work writing love stories and allowing it to be sealed with a lifetime commitment. Because it actually makes my heart hope for something like that to happen too, someday, somewhere, sometime in my life, by God's will and grace. :)
I was one of the bridesmaids, yet again. But I'll assume a different role soon. :)
03 December 2011
Black and White Photos
I've always thought black and white photos are awesome! Everyone must have at least one good B&W photo in their FB profile. I have one! :) Unlike colored ones, B&W exudes a timeless feel and makes the subject say what it has to say minus the complication of colors. Lousy description from a photography enthusiast? I knooooow. Hahaha! :)
In reality though, I rarely take B&W photos or convert colored ones to B&W for obvious reason that I love playing with colors. But I know someone who loves taking them all year round. It's his type of photography. I am into dreamy, vintage and colorful ones. :)
In reality though, I rarely take B&W photos or convert colored ones to B&W for obvious reason that I love playing with colors. But I know someone who loves taking them all year round. It's his type of photography. I am into dreamy, vintage and colorful ones. :)
What you will see now are the photos that brought a big big smile to my uber stressed face immediately after seeing the first one. These photos are really funny and sweet and the effort behind them is just priceless! I will truly treasure these for the rest of my life. Lovesick ba? Hahaha! Kinda. But hey, you'll only get to be lovesick for only a period of time. Someday soon, the familiarity of being with each other and the worries of life will take over. That's a reality.
It's nice to have something to look back to someday when you need a reminder where you started and how much love you have for each other then and pretty much someday, when you're gray and old and you want your children and grandchildren to know how awesome God is for answering your heart's prayer. ♥
It's nice to have something to look back to someday when you need a reminder where you started and how much love you have for each other then and pretty much someday, when you're gray and old and you want your children and grandchildren to know how awesome God is for answering your heart's prayer. ♥
November 30, 2011 = 11 monthsary. :)
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