02 December 2011

Friday Nights and Christmas Lights

Day 2/30:  Tonight is just one of the so many Friday nights I chose to simply spend at home, in the confines of my chaotic but cozy room. Though I like going out once in a while on Friday nights, I've always preferred curling up in my bed with a company of a good book, or with my laptop typing nonsense or editing photos, or just talking to God or crying out my frustrations for the working week that has been. Like for example tonight. 

I had a bad day at work. The last 30 minutes I spent in the office confirmed what I've been fearing since week 2 in my new job: a boss albeit indirect dislikes me. At first I thought of it as pro-activity issue. Just like in school, I've always been the silent worker but I've always managed to gain the proper amount of respect anyhow so what happened this afternoon shook the remaining confidence in my already depleted self-esteem. It's only by God's grace that I reached home without shedding a tear and with a perfect peace in my heart.

My walk with God this year has taught me that in all things, God works for our good. All things, the bible says, be it good or bad. A "No" answer from God ultimately leads to a "Yes" answer that is a million times better than the ones that God said "No" to.  

I consider my trials at work to be God's way of training me to persevere more and give my best despite the criticisms and doubts, of trying to see the truths in the criticism before being defensive, of not speaking ill of others who (I sort of feel) despise my existence one way or another, of learning to forgive.

On a more positive note, I still think that Friday nights are awesome because they put some pause on work, allowing us to breath in the goodness of life on Saturdays and Sundays.

Another awesome thing I ought to write for Day 2: the Christmas lights hanging all over Ayala triangle! Don't you just love the mirage of colors and the dancing of lights? I most definitely do! Haven't had time to capture this year's lights, so I'm posting the ones I took last year:

Agree? :)
Friends and lovers chillin' around! After all, it's Christmas and there's free entertainment at the Ayala triangle! :)
Bokehs brought about by Christmas lights!

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