24 September 2012

Day 14: Look who's cooking?!

14/30:  That part of the wedding vow. Hi! I'm still here in Dublin---alive, kicking and COOKING. So yeah, I'm cooking! I have been learning to since the day I got here. That's part of my quest to domesticate myself for the good of mankind. :) To tickle your senses, allow me to give you some facts:

Fact #1: I'm an unica hija, but my kuyas are the experts in cooking. I'm the expert in eating. 
Fact #2: I hated cooking just as I hated riding the MRT on rush hours (thank God, I'm now an MRT alumni).
Fact #3: Back home, I only cooked once a year, or twice, if my family got lucky enough.
Fact #4: Not that I couldn't cook. I just really wouldn't. Cooking did not excite my artsy senses.
Fact #5: When I was in high school, I got a burn from a hot cooking oil on my right leg (which by the way has an ugly scar I carry up to this day). So I really really despised cooking.
Fact #6:  "I promise I'll learn how to cook for you..." ~ Me in my wedding vow

Why did I ever promise such thing?! Hahaha! It's because I knew I had to force myself, otherwise, I'd never really do it! But I'm learning. These Instagram photos would attest to that:

In case you wonder whether these food taste good or not, I asked hubby to grade my cooking. I married the most honest person in the world. You'll have an idea, pretty much, of what tasted good and what needs improvement. Hahaha! Well, yes, you can laugh too! 

Cooking has been fun. I would give myself a pat on my shoulder for being brave enough to put the cooking oil in the pan and start mixing this and that eventhough cooking confuses me to no end. While it has been fun, I certainly wouldn't trade an office job for a cooking job. So off I go now, time to edit a CV and cook up a good cover letter. 

Your hot chef (says the towel),
Lai :)

11 September 2012

Day 13: Helloooooo Autumn!

13/30: Autumn. Hello Septembrrrrrrrrr! Guess what? I'm a month old in Dublin today! Nothing has changed that much since the day I got here except that I've learned to cook, take photos on Instagram and ride a bus on my own, in that order of importance. Small triumphs for a slacker me. :)

September in Ireland  means helloooo autumn, helloooo thicker jackets, thicker stockings, thicker scarves, taller boots! I toured here last September 2011, so I kinda know what to expect this season---chilly breeze, gray clouds, rain showers---all speak of a colder and gloomy weather. On the other hand, autumn means lovely leaves wandering all over Dublin, being blown away where the wind wishes. During one of our walks, we picked up these three shades of autumn leaves, saved for my photography woes. Autumn is indeed here!

Autumn in Ireland also reminds me of that day when someone asked me to marry him and I said yes, of course! We are spending our second autumn together, but unlike the first one, this is bound longer. :) Happy autumn to you all!. *Thank You God for another autumn. Love much, Lai.*