18 April 2014

Spring at Trinity College

Trinity College, the Harvard of Dublin is a home to some of the most abundant pink and white blossoms at spring time that I've ever seen. Perhaps the trees, just like all the rest of Trinity, are ancient so they harbour some kind of elegance and fullness in the way they blossom. R and I witnessed these blossoms last year and they were lovely so I thought I'd drop by again to see them in the month of April. 

The timing of my visit could never been any perfect. I paid my visit one afternoon of mid-April in my jeans and sneakers. The trees were already full and fat with blossoms of different shades of white and pink. It's a sight to behold I tell you. Even the tourists lounging around couldn't help but snap a photo or just simply admire their beauties from the bench or the ground. 

I've always looked like a tourist anyway so I did not shy away from taking these photos from my iPhone 4s. Well folks, how can you not love spring? I'm crazy about it. :)

I had a book with me that day but I was totally distracted by these. It's a beautiful kind of distraction and I was glad to give up my reading in return to these temporal blossoms. I didn't regret the choice. 

Hopefully, next year will be another full and fat blossoming in this college. I will certainly pay my annual spring visit. I wouldn't miss it for the world. :)

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