10 March 2011

Bleh and Blah Days

I don’t know If I’m just PMS-ing or what. But really, there are days like this. Days when I already feel tired as early as 10:00 AM, already contemplating of cutting my work at 11:00 AM to be at home with my messy but oh-so-comfy bedroom, already dreaming of escaping this country at 12:00 PM to be with bf. :)

I miss writing. I really do. Not because I’m actually good at it. No, I’m not. It’s just really therapeutic for someone like me who has a tendency (or sickness?) to be melancholy. I’m actually writing in between work, not that I don’t have much work to do. There’s plenty of it that I don’t have a single right to breath (So sorry Lord, grace please).

Of late, I’ve been asking God for directions. Not that I’m in a crossroads of opportunities. It’s otherwise. The thing is I feel stuck. I so wanted to be in that state again... but in Christian life they say that there are no accidents. I keep reminding myself that wherever I am is in God’s blueprint. I’m only seeing tidbits of His master plan because I'm so shortsighted, not to mention faithless. But really, there are days that are just bleh, bleh as in uneventful, unmeaningful, irrelevant.

I know that in life, there will be days like this. Maybe it’s just up to me to perk up and to decorate this boring day of mine.

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