I think there's something magical with having your photo taken and printed, minute apart, no downloading to pc, no post-processing. In an instant, there's your photo, right exactly to where it was taken! Galing diba? I'm an old soul, really. Whereas everybody wants digital, I find myself wanting to go back to Polaroid a.k.a. film days! But since Polaroid is hard to come by, not to mention expensive, Instax is a very good alternative! It's so cute pa, diba? :)
I've been dreaming of Instax for two years. Now, it has come true thanks to ehem... my fiance for granting another photography wish! He already gave me a Lightroom in December, much to my surprise! :) Lando is really matipid but he never minds splurging for me. That's why I take care of everything he gives me, small or big, for they magnify the love he has for me. He always finds a way to make my smallest dream come true. For that, I couldn't be more thankful. :)
A happy happy birthday to me!
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