04 November 2010

Coffee Break & Blog Break

I am very susceptible to falling in a deep sleep at this very moment that I am not allowed to rest my back on any chair or wall.  It's only 12:28 PM, I already had my lunch and now, I'm enjoying coffee over my free time---my blogging time! I had a wonderful quiet time with the Lord yesterday. I prayed in the morning, in the MRT and in the FX going home. Pray unceasingly, right? The truth is I'm hurting right now over what's happening with my career. But in times like this I realized I feel God's presence more than when everything is just normal.

I wrote in my last post that I resolve not to be depressed anymore. I'm doing just that. I mean I'm hurting, yes, but I'm not depressed. Because you see when I'm depressed, I really really look depressed. It's like there's a big cloud hovering over me. I look like a dementor!

I've been stalking one blogger and I get inspired with her blog. For one, she's a Christian. Second, she's about the same age as me. Okay, I'm one year older than her but that doesn't make a big difference. Hehe... Third, she's chic, she's a hopeless romantic and she loves photography and blogging. So my point is, I see myself in her! Only she writes way way way (like gazillion times) better than I do.

Honest, she inspires me to write more. I mean what's this blog all about right If I don't write in it more? Besides, writing is really therapeutic for me even though I write mostly about nonsense stuff.

See, I don't really have one particular subject here. I just write whatever comes to my mind. It's much better this way sometimes right?

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Time check: 12:42 PM. I'm done with my coffee now but I'm still sleepy. I feel much lighter thought that I've poured out some of my thoughts in this pensieve of mine.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Nice post.

God bless you!!!