08 December 2016

Baby You Can Drive My Car


When R sent me this photo, I knew right away. The smile alone said it all. I didn't even need to look at the piece of paper to confirm it. He passed his driving exam! We are extremely grateful for that. We've been dreaming of setting foot to all 32 counties of Ireland. We're one step closer to that travel dream.

Driving is a skill R only learned in Ireland and which I have to learn too myself. It's essential when you have a child, not only because of logistics issues (imagine carrying and pushing a huge pram all the time!), but more so because of the changing seasons in Ireland. Zeya is more protected with the eccentric weather of Ireland when he is in a car safely tucked in his carseat when we travel around. 

I'm grateful too that a year ago, a financial blessing was given to us that we afforded our car in cash. Secondhand it may be, but as of this writing, it has already taken us to faraway counties and served us  well in moving about in Dublin. It serves R every day as he travels to and from work. 

I'm grateful too that R modelled patience and perseverance in his driving lessons and eventually to taking his driving exam. He learned to drive at 33, got his license at 34. It is never really too late for anything. I'm inspired to learn how to drive because of him.

In case you're wondering we call our car Voxy Woggy. And these are just some of our precious moments with Voxy:

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