The wonders of technology, you can't help but be grateful for them especially in pregnancy. Knowing that a certain technology was available for us to have a first peek of our baby's face while he was still in the comforts of my womb, now that really sounded exciting. Thanks to the so-called 3D/4D Scan, we were able to watch our baby from the outside world, count his fingers and toes (all numbered to 10, so yay!) and enjoy his movements inside my tummy, even for a little while. More than the facial features, we also obtained additional assurance of our baby's health and well-being.
On the downside, it was bloody expensive. In Ireland, it costs €100 plus (or PhP5k) and it's not covered by my health insurance, although I'll be able to claim 20% of it back from the Revenue. It is a splurge and a novelty to be honest and up until my third trimester, we weren't really keen on doing it. But as first-time parents, we gave in to the thrill and the chance to see our son as early as 30 weeks. I guess more than the printed photos and the digital copy of the scans, what we paid for was the experience. It was like watching our most favourite romantic movie. It was a "kilig-to-the-bone" experience like no other.
Overall, it was a pleasant experience, a one-sided meeting but we were hoping our baby somehow felt the overwhelming love and excitement from the outside. It took three scans for us to be able to see his face clearly. He was covering his face almost the whole time, our mischievous boy. These are the three tries we had:

The wonders of technology, you can't help but be grateful for them especially in pregnancy. Knowing that a certain technology was available for us to have a first peek of our baby's face while he was still in the comforts of my womb, now that really sounded exciting. Thanks to the so-called 3D/4D Scan, we were able to watch our baby from the outside world, count his fingers and toes (all numbered to 10, so yay!) and enjoy his movements inside my tummy, even for a little while. More than the facial features, we also obtained additional assurance of our baby's health and well-being.
On the downside, it was bloody expensive. In Ireland, it costs €100 plus (or PhP5k) and it's not covered by my health insurance, although I'll be able to claim 20% of it back from the Revenue. It is a splurge and a novelty to be honest and up until my third trimester, we weren't really keen on doing it. But as first-time parents, we gave in to the thrill and the chance to see our son as early as 30 weeks. I guess more than the printed photos and the digital copy of the scans, what we paid for was the experience. It was like watching our most favourite romantic movie. It was a "kilig-to-the-bone" experience like no other.
Overall, it was a pleasant experience, a one-sided meeting but we were hoping our baby somehow felt the overwhelming love and excitement from the outside. It took three scans for us to be able to see his face clearly. He was covering his face almost the whole time, our mischievous boy. These are the three tries we had:
First Peek - The very first time we had a glimpse of him, his right hand was covering half of his face!
Second Look - He was covering the upper part of his face, you little one!
After two failed attempts and much poking from the sonographer, I was asked to take a break, gobble an energy drink I couldn't remember the name and walk around the block to encourage the baby to change position. Twenty minutes later, we were back with a renewed hope to see the entirety of his face.
Third Look - It was his foot this time! We were dying of excitement at this point.
And then finally, a light in the tunnel. Here he was, our little boy who had full lips as the sonography commented. He got it from both of us, I'd say.
Of course, it's already engraved in our hearts that he would be the cutest, the handsomest, the most beautiful baby in the world no matter how he looked like, but knowing that we could actually see him while he was still inside the comforts of my womb, a growing miracle whom we prayed and waited for, now that really tickled our bones.
Below is a journal entry from my mom-to-be diary, a day after the 3D/4D scan.
To My Darling Baby Boy,
The first time we ever saw your face, our hearts skipped a bit. There we were saying hi and hello to you like we were greeting a celebrity! We were totally mesmerized. Your dad's gaze was fixed on you and I, was thanking the Lord over and over again for the miracle that you are.
My Zeya, we couldn't wait to meet you and smothered your cheeks with kisses. I couldn't wait to soak in your baby fragrance. How come I love you this much already?
Mommy Lai
Mommy Lai
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