These are some of the photos taken when we toured her around some of our fave spots in Dublin days before I gave birth:
My Mama was my walking buddy before I gave birth. She was my cook, my all-around house help (she did everything in the house even if we told her a thousand times not to). She was my prayer warrior days before I gave birth, during my labor and even when Zeya was born and I was so close to losing my mind because of Zeya's colic and reflux. She pacified my fears when I was crying on Zeya's due date because well, he hadn't come out yet. She saw me gave birth---naked, tears, blood and all. She stayed up late with me, watched "Jane the Virgin" and all other teleseryes in TFC with me while Zeya was cluster feeding. She bathed Zeya because we were so scared to do it. She wiped Zeya's bottom countless times. She carried Zeya and even sung to him when I was exhausted and badly needing some minutes to sleep. She was the mother and the friend I needed when I was in the early stages of establishing my own brand of motherhood.
My Mama and I, we have our own differences, had them even in Ireland. My Mama has worked in HK for majority of my life and we have missed out on many things, relationship wise. But at the end of the day, she is still my mother who loves me despite my stubborn nature and my different take on things. And I still love her. I will forever because she is my Mama, she was handpicked by God to be my Mama. She sacrificed the greater things to give us, her children the best of things---education and the chance to a brighter future.
I understand her heart much better now. It's true when they say "you'll never really appreciate your own mother until you become one yourself." My appreciation for my Mama just skyrocketed when I became a mother. Giving birth isn't easy and she gave birth to four of us, breastfed for us, amongst many other things. And here I am with just one and already struggling so much. And there she is, always ready to serve, to care for and to love her children and her grandchildren. The kind of love only a mother can give. The selfless kind of love I only got to know the minute I gave birth to Zeya.
Thank you, my Mama, for just about everything.
"Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also and he praises her." ~ Proverbs 31:38
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