10 December 2016

Four Years Married

This 30 Days of Gratitude Challenge has been a good exercise for me in counting my blessings this year and in documenting the milestones in my married and mommyhood life. I'm glad I'm doing this although I'm a little behind. I've been trying my very best to sit and type away whenever I have the time. Between trying to keep Zeya alive and taking care of myself and R too, I have very little time.  But let's do this.

We celebrated our 4th year wedding anniversary on June 30th this year. I am forever grateful to the Author of Love and Life for weaving my life with R and for the past four fantastic years of being married to him. Unlike the previous years when we decided to celebrate our wedding anniversaries by traveling and ticking off our travel bucket list, this year's was celebrated simply and quietly. To be able to get out of our apartment is already a reason to celebrate!

It was a lovely summer day, a sneaker-dress-jeans kind of day, a perfect day to celebrate love and life. We drove to Ardgillan Castle with our  then 3-month old baby. R and I were both wishing the same thing: for Zeya to be good and stay calm so we could walk and take time to smell the roses. Literally as there were thousands of them in the Rose Garden.

But how do you celebrate anniversaries with a newborn in tow? Well, you take turns pushing the stroller and taking photos and being "in" the photo. We didn't bother to bring a tripod as it would add up to the things we would be carrying around.

First things first. Photos from that day:

Here's the view you will enjoy as you enter the huge castle area:

Bubba Zeya sleeping for most of the time we were in Argdillan. Hurray!

To the castle we went to eat our anniversary lunch.

Sweet moments with my Isaiah Patrick by the window. He's in my tummy on our third wedding anniversary; he's in my arms on our fourth. What could be lovelier than that? :)

Pushing the pram with a sleeping baby:

The castle at front. We used 35mm lens thus, I didn't capture the whole structure.

Towards the Rose Garden:

Now the lush and beautiful Rose Garden of Ardgillan. We will come back next year to pay another visit because it's just worth it. 

Being married is an adventure like no other. I always say this during bridal showers when I have the chance to speak, "Marriage is a beautiful gift." Because it is. It was designed by God to last a lifetime after all. And because it is a gift, it is to be taken care of with the most delicate care. You just don't treasure it, you fight for it too, and you work hard for it. You don't give up on it because the road is rough. You keep that gift still close to your heart because you know what? When years add up to your marriage and the list of the things you hurdled together successfully gets longer and longer, that's when you will know, the working hard part is worth it. That to be able to do life with someone through it all is indeed a gift. 

Married now for four amazing years with you R. Cheers to 4 years of struggles and successes we've hurdled together, to 4 years of laughter and tears we shared together, to 4 years of smooth and rough roads we traveled together, to a lot more in the future. And we're talking about forever here! :)

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