05 December 2016

Change of Citizenship


We had been waiting for this day. The day R got to take his oath of loyalty to Ireland! We are grateful his Irish citizenship had been granted in the timeline that we prayed for. We love our home country Philippines, but Ireland has been our home now, almost six years to R, and four and a half years to me. This is where our bread and butter is and as much as we miss our family back home, we know life will be much better for Zeya if we stay here in Ireland as he grows up.

We thank the Lord for bringing Rolando to Ireland and for allowing me to immediately follow after we got married. Life is not perfect this side of the world. Rolando came to Ireland when it was just recovering from recession and austerity was still very much in place. We had moments when we considered moving to other countries, hoping for a greener pasture. But here we are, years later, with Rolando already being naturalised as Irish. Our Zeya was born Irish. And I, will be naturalised too, someday soon.

This change of citizenship meant so much more to us than just the rather obvious benefit of traveling visa free to almost all of the countries in this world, Ireland being a part of the European Union. With R's Irish citizenship, we are one step closer to having our mortgage approved. That meant one more step closer to owning our own house. Which meant being able to pass on a tangible inheritance to Zeya someday. 

We are truly grateful to you Emerald Isle. And as I mentioned in my FB post:
:Thanking God most of all for bringing Rolando to Ireland. In this country, we found ourselves starting our married life together, chasing our dreams together, persevering together, serving the Lord together and raising a family together. :)

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