I am nine months in to this motherhood gig as of this writing folks. Nine months!!! Feels like I'm still deep into the fog of the newborn stage, yet the past nine months whizzed by in the blink of an eye. If you asked me how's motherhood so far, let me tell you this:
I've never been so sleepy and so exhausted in my whole life yet so in love with a little human being, ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
That about summarises the past nine months of my mommyhood life. And in case you want to know more, I mean nine months of broken sleep. Nine months of dealing with the vicious cycle of wet and dirty nappies. Nine months of staring at my hideous stretch marks and wondering how on earth they haven't found that magic serum yet for this pregnancy phenomenon. That and more unglamorous things I'd rather not talk about. And I haven't spoken yet about breastfeeding (which is next on my blog list).
On the other hand, it has also been nine months of countless warm cuddles and snuggles, thousand giggles and tickles, innumerable sweet kisses, and gazillion little precious moments which tell me I am where I am supposed to be. Did I not dream of and pray for this? Of rearing another human being to grow up knowing Jesus and loving the wonders and beauty of this world?
And so despite the struggles, the craziness and messiness of being a first time mommy, I am extremely grateful. Grateful to do this motherhood bit. Grateful that God said yes when He could've said no.
Grateful that even though I laboured for 48 hours, I got the natural and unmedicated birth that we hoped and prayed for. Grateful that we overcame the colicky and refluxy stage. Grateful that we are still breastfeeding at nine months.
Grateful that even though I laboured for 48 hours, I got the natural and unmedicated birth that we hoped and prayed for. Grateful that we overcame the colicky and refluxy stage. Grateful that we are still breastfeeding at nine months.
I'm all the more grateful for the things unseen but felt. Grateful that I am growing in patience and resilience. Grateful that I am becoming more intentional with the things that truly matter. Grateful to learn more about God's relentless love through the perspective of a parent.
I'm grateful most of all and through it all, that I have God's grace to fill in the gaps when I'm failing as a mom, when I'm loosing my cool, when I'm doubting my instincts.
I have truly tasted and seen that the Lord is good and faithful in my mommyhood life. And I've only just begun... :)
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